Nala goes to work with husse nearly every day. Husse's office is a shopfront on Kungshöjd so there is always lots to look at through the windows.

Most often she is sitting and waiting for her friends to play. There are lots of dogs on the street and they all go and play in the park at the end. Sesam and Fidou are her best friends. The appear to play quite rough but they love each other.

Sometimes we even meet relatives. This is Kewa from Minjimba's A-litter (we met her on Marstrand too) who happened to pass by.

Most often she is sitting and waiting for her friends to play. There are lots of dogs on the street and they all go and play in the park at the end. Sesam and Fidou are her best friends. The appear to play quite rough but they love each other.

Sometimes we even meet relatives. This is Kewa from Minjimba's A-litter (we met her on Marstrand too) who happened to pass by.
If there are no friends to play with, husse takes Nala for a long walk at lunchtime, along the river, through Nordstan, and back to the office.

But the best times are when it becomes doggy daycare and Fidou comes to visit. Fidou is Nala's best friend and is very well behaved. Nala adores her and can't leave here alone but Fidou doesn't always want her constant attention.

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