Here is Nala at her best ;-) We have been documenting some of her different sleeping positions over the last week..... in her bed, on her cushion, on the sofa, and at work with Kristen.
Wow, things are getting stressful. Nala doesn't seem to sense that we are going away yet, despite all the piles of packing in the spare room and her now being forbidden to enter.
We haven't managed to blog for a while, so now is time. Here comes a few images from the weekend before last. We visited Anna, John & all the dogs at Minjimba Ridge again. Nero (formerly known as Kungen) was also visiting so Nala enjoyed catching up with her brother too, as well as sister Buzu and pappa Cai. We went walking in the forest again. There are no pictures of Nala, she was not very photogenic on this particular day. This was Yazza's day to be photogenic as she hopped up on stumps and rocks and posed on command. The first three photos are of Yazza. She comes from the same kennel as Grace.
Here we have Buzu, Grace and Nala on the run, and then all the hungry dogs waiting in line for a treat. That is Nala sitting....such a good patient girl (NOT!....first she jumped, then she sat).
This last one is a beautiful shot of Yazza, Nero & Grace.
Today Nala went shopping in the city. She is such a good girl when there are crowds of people and there certainly were today. She is on her very best behaviour when we are in Nordstan. She sits and waits patiently outside the shops while Husse goes in to buy something. Many people stop to look at her and admire her with Matte standing proudly beside. She doesn't like Åhléns much though. It is pretty amazing that you can actually take a dog in there but there is something that troubles her when inside the store. Maybe it is the noise that the escalator and lifts make, or the strange flooring, and she just is not a happy dog. But then we met Idegun in Åhléns. Idegun is the mother of one of our best friends and Nala loves her (and vice versa) so it was necessary to leave the store to say hello. After that we were all very hungry so we went to our favourite café, Bar Centro, for a coffee and foccacia....and a few photos. Nala is popular with the owner there too who comes out to admire her if possible 'cause he likes ridgebacks.
We went to the vet a week ago to take a blood test and see that Nala has developed the antibodies since her Rabies injection. She is so funny. You see dogs on the Dog Whisperer and other shows, and even dogs at the vet, that obviously don't want to be there. Nala, on the other hand, makes a beeline for the door with me flying behind holding the leash. Then I have to keep her in check inside. There are so many other dogs inside and she wants to play and say hello to everyone. And then comes the vet who Nala rushes up to when her name is called, and licks him or her all over the face whilst being a good girl and standing so well on the table for her examination. It does not seem to matter that she gets a big needle stuck in her leg and blood is taken. She will be just as eager to go back next time.
Nala wins a goose at Lindome Archery Club's quiz walk with 31 points. What a clever girl! . . . . . But she will have to give it to Matte. "Grandma" also won a goose with 30 points. What a day!
Today was the annual Lindome Bågskytteklubbs Gåsajakt Poängpromenad (Archery Club's goosehunt quiz walk). The weather was perfect and now Nala is worn out after a 3 hr walk, 20 questions, 5 activities, guessing the amount of liquid in a hose, and enthusiastically greeting every person she met.
Here she is taking Matte for a walk and having a coffee break,
and with Husse & "Grandma", and finally answering a question
(or is that waiting patiently for a piece meatball).
We were out in the forest last weekend with Anna (Nala's breeder) & John, pappa Cai, friend Grace & sister Buzu. Husse took som photos that look really spooky and ferocious so they are featured here as Nala's Halloween special. I must point out however that the dogs are anything but ferocious.
Well we've jumped on the blogging bandwagon so here comes Nalas very first post. It is actually a nice day here in Gothenburg so Nala is trying to get as many of those valuable rays of sun as possible while Matte* writes the first blog. Maybe she too knows that the sun will soon disappear and the cold rainy slushy slippery dark days will take over. This dog just loves the sun. I wonder how she will cope.
*this is a great Swedish word for a dog's female owner (that is me....Kristen)....there is no equivalent in english as far as I know so now I am going to use Matte and Husse (male equivalent....that would be Mikael) to describe us, even in english.
My kennel name is Minjimba Ridge Bayana of Cai. I am a beautiful Rhodesian Ridgeback. I was born on 23 February 2007 together with my 11 brothers and sisters.
Now I live a very happy life with my "matte" Kristen and "husse" Mikael in an apartment in Göteborg. These are two very good words that exist in Swedish and have no decent translation to English so I will continue to use them here instead of mummy and daddy in english. "Matte" literally means "female owner" and "husse" is "male owner".